Intersubjective intentionality

Marco di Feo - Ontological Foundations of Collective Intentionality


Intersubjectivity & the Lifeworld | Husserl | Cartesian Meditations

Sophie Loidolt - Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity

Intentionality and Desire | Philosophy Channel

Episode 10: 'Intersubjectivity' - Dr Alessandro Salice

DPW 2020 Opening keynote: Dan Zahavi, Copenhagen Univ.: 'Intersubjectivity, sociality, community”.

Dr. Bizzarri on Disturbances of Intersubjectivity

Stefanie Dach, 'Sellars on the intersubjectivity of 'we-intentions''

20150805 Lecture2 Intentionality and pre-reflective consciousness

Husserl & the Adventure of Phenomenology - In 12 Minutes

Susanne Ravn - The intersubjective dimension of skills: Couple-based expertise in aikido practice

The Lived-body & Sphere of Ownness | Husserl | Cartesian Meditations


An Introduction to the Life and Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl with Dr. Dermot Moran (BC).

Michela Summa: Phenomenology of Body memory: Its Relevance for the Inquiry into Self-Experience.

TWP_Lecture 10 - Intersubjective Identities and War and Peace: (Non-)Security Communities

Sarah Pawlett-Jackson: Gestalt Structures in Multi-Person Intersubjectivity

Prof. Thomas Fuchs (University of Heidelberg), Delusion, Reality, Intersubjectivity

Merleau Ponty on Intersubjectivity and Other Minds

Phenomenology and the Phenomenological Reduction in Jean-Luc Marion and Emmanuel Levinas 🧐 #think

Emmanuel Levinas: Phenomenology and the Face of the Other 🫥 #face

Lacan and Phenomenology (1): Lacan as 'phenomenologically oriented'?

Emmanuel Levinas: Thinking in Hebrew and the Place of Testimony in Philosophy 📜 #other